Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tips Series: Credit Card Bankruptcy ? Tips To Avoid Bankruptcy ...

Here is our latest article on Avoid Bankruptcy

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Many people are not aware of the pros and cons of filing bankruptcy for credit card debt relief. Though you legally eliminate your debt still it is considered to be a very drastic step. It is not a solution for every debt case and every finance expert will advise you to use it as your last resort. If you learn about what it does to your credit report and how difficult it will e for you to obtain finances in future you will never like to go for it.

You also need to avoid insolvency for as long as possible because once you file it then for several years you cannot declare yourself as bankrupt. There are many alternatives that you can try to avoid bankruptcy.
Liquidate your assets

Before declaring you as bankrupt the official receiving your application conducts your financial assessment. If it is found that you can repay the debts by selling your assets the court can give permission to the lender to sell your assets. So you can do it before your creditors conduct an auction.

You can sell your big house and move to a smaller one or you can sell one of your extra cars. There might be also some extra piece of furniture or valuable painting that could bring your some money. Selling the assets that you no longer use yourself will enable to you to get the right price for it which you can use for your debt elimination.

Work for Extra Hours

When you are in debt then you need to generate some extra income. This extra income will reduce some financial stress. You can find a second job or part time job. You can also ask your spouse to help you earn extra money to keep the finances in control till you eliminate your debt. Sharing your problem is very essential to avoid conflicts and stress on relationship.

Reorganize debts and find suitable debt relief program

It is very essential to reorganize or consolidate your debt amount to get a clear picture of the money you owe to your credit card company. If you have too many cards then you can transfer all your balances to single card with lower interest. In this way you can save some money that you pay as interest and other charges associated with the credit card services.

You also need to find out about the bankruptcy laws in your region. Knowing them and the consequences you would like to find out other feasible option like consolidation or debt settlement. You can avail of the free counseling that many bankruptcy lawyers provide their clients. If you know the laws then you can also threaten your credit card company to file bankruptcy.

Usually you will find the creditors reluctant for debt settlement. If you could threaten them, it will give you more leverage for reaching a favorable settlement amount during negotiations. Debt settlement is the best way of reducing your debt and getting debt relief in shortest time period.

Bankruptcy is certainly not your best way to deal with debts. Debt relief and debt settlement can certainly make a difference, and eliminate a strong percentage of your debt and in the meantime you will avoid the consequences of having to file for bankruptcy. Make sure you are always informed in regards to the best solution for you, and eliminate as much debt as you can. If you want to find more about this, check out the following link:

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Source: http://www.helpwithdebtnow.com/tips-series-credit-card-bankruptcy-tips-to-avoid-bankruptcy-while-legally-eliminating-credit-card-debt.html

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