Unlike most schools in America, Japanese schools don?t have cafeterias. Instead students eat in their classrooms. In this video, the kids are playing up to the camera a lot, but you can still get the idea of what lunchtime in a Japanese elementary school is like.
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In local news, a hero soldier from Pennington, IL is awarded for his service in Afghanistan barely ten years after he shit his pants in fourth grade.
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50 Responses to ?Lunchtime at Fukushima Elementary School?
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Source: http://kidzkargo.net/archives/9287
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thumbs up if you watched this because of the name ?FUKUSHIMA?
Japanese children seemed to eat healthy lunches in comparison to most American children. Healthier diets may help contribute to better grades. These children seemed to be well behaved and happier then some or many American kids of the same age. Diet can part of the reason, as well as better parenting skills. American kids eat too much junk food and sugar.
This is so cute
Hope you are all alright after the earthquake. I pray for you!
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ching chong? no im kidding
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wow i love japanese people
lol, i was looking at the uploader comments and i was looking at them and one of them said ?how old r? they? one of em looks real familiar?
?All? of these kids are in junior high school now.?
and im like, wth?.. im watching this in 2010 people?.this comment was like 2 years ago. LOL xD they probably are in highschool or something now. new comment. LOL
I?m from Norway we eat in the classroom
@Kaguyua Exactly. Japan has their share of bullies like anywhere else. There?s a good video here on Youtube about it from 1996 though.
Hello, how are you? nice to meet you
,,it?s the culture and upbringing not always the suspected genetics.
iiina, hisashiburi?.used to teach in KAI-city in Yamanashi, i totally miss kyushoku with the kids, those were the days
the kids are sure cute! they are so camera like! unlike some kids ahem! outside of japan!
@emelyn28video That background music in the 1:20 part of the film is SMAP?s ?Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana? (or some similar-sounding title; not sure I got the spelling right.)
the background song!
that was the song that JE groups always singing right?
love that song! specially if its sung by Hey!Say!JUMP
here in Philippines we can bring our own lunch or buy at the cantene?i wish we can listen on a music while eating too?^^
where does the background music come from?
In my elementary and middle school, I ate in my classroom as well.
Kyushoku (school lunch) menu is planned by hired nutritionist, so the kids get one balanced meal a day, at least.
Even the food they eat at home have more variety, more vegetable than what American people eat. Some of those look garbage to westerners and probably would refuse to eat but nutritionally, they are good.
Negative side, at least the way westerners see it, Japanese food use more (too much)salt and MSG.
this is so true. i knew this kid who pissed his pants in 3rd grade and after he graduated and was in a middle school everyone still remembered and made fun of him for it. even when he was in highschool people still made fun of him for it and he never was able to get a girlfriend. its been like 16 years and still whenever i see him walking around the college campus i think ?theres the kid who pissed his pants?.
no one forgets if u shit ur pants.
@helloanygoodbye lol someone doesnt know what the onion is.
??Congratulations John Dillow i know we?ll see you shit out some great things in the fufure?" >_O wut!
Is this real cause I think it?s real
I shit my pants in second grade. No one remembered me for it.
Shoulda waited two years.
I was in tears when I first saw this!
@luvbb23 Yeah the dude standing up with the brown jacket.That?s the left
@wisewarrior7 ohhh i thought it was that kid whose face was blurred out bc it said ?look to his left?
@luvbb23 The dude?s clothes look like Ed?s
@JoeJoeyJose Kudos to you and the Onion, that?s some friggin attention to detail!!
@RageDiaries The joke is that the locals in the school he went to in remember him more as the kid who shit his pants, and that vivid memory still overshadows the fact that he has a medal.
@RonnnieBuckley ? Pffffft. LOL! Ed Edd n Eddy. Good eye!
@Juggaloserialeater He shit in his pants as a child, and got a purple heart from fighting in a war ? two separate things, are you following yet?
@luvbb23 Google Ed Edd? n Eddy and you?ll see that the guy on his left is wearing identical clothes
i dont get the ed edd and eddy thing. someone please explain!!!
I think some people are failing to get the joke. He didn?t get a Purple Heart for shitting his pants. The joke is the fact that winning a Purple Heart and being a war hero FAILED to overshadow the fact that he shit his pants in grade school.
@Juggaloserialeater you do know this is all a joke?.right?
This is stupid. Whyd they give him a purple heart for shitting his pants come on. Theres so many bigger heros..This is bullllllllllshit?PEOPLE ACTUALLY DIE FOR US.