cover article by Mark Blayney
The last series of the guide for business loans and funds ?to finance real estate development? to ?return?
Financing Property Development -. to finance real estate development and finance developed in order to finance the purchase of the land and construction costs
Brochure / -. An information package for distribution to potential investors interested in an IPO prepared
-. The accounting concept of accounting for losses as soon as they can be identified, but the benefits if they were made
Limited Company (PLC) -. A company that meets certain legal requirements such as the level of capital stock issued and which are therefore entitled to sell shares to the public. However, not all controls are listed on a stock exchange
Ratio -. See the definition of the ratio of acid in Part 1 of this series
Ratchet -. Agreement that the administration of involvement in the economy will increase as the company hits targets
debtor -. The equivalent U.S. term debtors UK
Action -. Arrangement in which a factor or invoice discounter can all advance for you in terms of debt, the recovery does not. An agreement on non-use offers protection against this
regulated willing -. A loan where a first charge on the property on a national or commercial property, where more than 40% of the area is given as your use. Residence
Reserves (1) ? Retained earnings of the company
reserves (2) -. If a factor or invoice discounter availability reduces your risk of exposure (eg supplier Contras)
Cranes cover -. Through a series of bridge loans to finance as a real estate project development stages
Sale & Leaseback
-. One way to cash that the sale includes a third increase and then lease it back
Second round of financing -. additional investment in a company with an existing external investor (such as a capitalist enterprise into a company, the start-up or seed capital had to evolve from a Business Angel) redeem
secondary -. Sale of investments in a VC firm to another VC
? 320 -. Companies Act provision that prevents a director for the purchase of significant assets (in the broadest sense, is nothing more than ? 100 000 or 10% of net assets of the Company) without prior shareholder approval
Security (1) -. A source to repay by a debt if the borrower makes no repayments in the usual way, as a tax on property or other assets
Security (2) -. A document recognizes that the holders of certain rights (eg repayment of a debt issuer)
has to be extended in the United States to a Share
-.. The process by which a borrower certifies that they prove able to loan repayments, rather than by making accounts
-. Capital in a company from its shareholders
Equity -. The total carrying value of a business (net assets in the balance sheet), which is owned by shareholders
Small Business Loan Guarantee -.. A system where the government offers a partial guarantee for the lenders for loans to small businesses
Sole Trader ? A single staple in the business for yourself
Finance -. A set of potential pre-arranged loans for the buyers by the seller of a business
Reporting to the source and use of funds (SSAF) ? A statement indicating how the profits generated by activities combined with investments in assets or services that have received a credit or refund, cause a movement of ?Business Cash
Photo (1). ? a collection of trading companies, raw materials, work in progress and finished goods to its inventory
Stock (2) -.. shares
can be traded structured credit ? loans with a lender operates in more than one type of asset (eg factoring, and a mortgage)
Subprime -.. borrower with a high degree of negative so unattractive to conventional lenders
Syndication -.. situation where to combine a number of donors to fund a project together
Term Loan ? to repay a loan by an agreed level installments over a period of several years
Top-up financing ? .. additional mezzanine or equity financing to cover the difference between the total cost of a real estate development and project under normal financing real estate development
Trade Finance available ? to underestimate financial transactions such as the import of goods for resale
Transaction -. The sale of an asset under . its market value in case of insolvency of a trustee, will review significant transactions in the bankruptcy and may underestimate the annulment
VC sue -.. Venture Capital or Venture Capitalist
Veil of Incorporation ? The protection for shareholders a limited liability company
Vendor Finance -. deferred consideration See
Venture Capitalists (VC) -. Keeping a company created to invest money and invest in high growth opportunities. In general, look for a return equivalent to over 30% per year . and want an investment of three to five years before going out to keep general tend to not be interested in these offers down, for example, ? 0.5m investment
Whitewash report or agreement. ? accountants report is required when cash must be raised the assets of a target company to purchaseWork in Progress -. goods that are in the manufacturing process but not yet ready, or work on a contract that is not over yet
WCF -.. current assets of a company minus liabilities under
Working Capital Cycle ? The concept of working capital a company makes it through its cycle of trade goes to the vendors of goods, the first shares are sold and then again, debtor, with the money from debtors. obtained are then used to pay suppliers
Power ? The amount of the insured received (E for the results) for the price (P) is paid usually expressed as a percentage
We hope to contribute to this short series.. .. demystify the jargon of the financial world About the author Mark Blayneyis a collector and author of Corporate Finance For more information on business loans or any other aspect of financing for owner-managed companies to contact you: http:/ /
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