Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Voting this November: the Lesser of Two Evils

With three months to go before the election, Yahoo! News asked a handful of undecided voters how they're leaning in the presidential race. Here's a perspective from one voter.


I don't normally consider myself a wishy-washy person. I generally don't have a problem choosing or making a decision and sticking with it -- except when deciding whom to vote for in this November's presidential election. How do I choose between "the lesser of two evils" who both belong to political parties with policies and positions I do not support?

In 2008, I voted for President Barack Obama. After eight years of war, I, like millions of other Americans, was ready for some "hope and change."

Things have changed during President Obama's tenure. Many of the changes have not been for the better, in this voter's opinion. In particular, his tax and energy policies are worrisome.

While I agree with some of his policies (the highly unpopular bailout for instance), I don't agree with his other choices. I do not support Obama's ideology of "tax the rich" as a solution to our economic woes. The answer lies in increasing private sector employment, particularly in the small-business sector.

Most small businesses report their earnings as personal income on individual tax returns, which can artificially elevate many people's income on their tax return. I don't believe raising their taxes at this difficult time will help to the economy; these individuals need their tax break so they can expand and hire, and get a few people off the list of nearly 50 million Americans who are now drawing food stamps and receiving other government assistance.

Living near Roanoke near the coalfields of Virginia, I have seen firsthand the economic devastation caused by Obama's executive orders to the EPA to basically destroy the coal industry. We need to use all of our energy sources -- oil, natural gas, coal, renewable -- so that we can achieve independence from obtaining oil from many foreign sources, some of whom wish to destroy our country.

So, late last year and earlier this year, I was hoping Tim Pawlenty or Ron Paul would win the Republican nomination. If either had, I would not be an undecided voter and could vote for the Republican this November with no hesitation.

Instead, Mitt Romney is the presumptive party nominee. I really don't consider myself "left" or "right," but a centrist and a moderate. I agree with Romney's position and recent affirmation of our Second Amendment rights. He has the business experience necessary to put people back to work.

Some of his party's positions on birth control and other issues frighten me however.

I don't know whom I will choose. But either way, I will probably be holding my nose when I make my selection.

Lyn Brooks, 44, is a freelance writer and novelist in southwest Virginia.


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