Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Numerous Benefits Of A Hand Held Console ?

Posted by admin

Aug 07 2012

The nintendo first emerged in 1985 as soon as the first system was released, this was known as the NES. The very first ever hand held model came in 1989 with the development of the gameboy with the monitor composed of four shades of grey, the most unforgettable game was most probably tetris which is still very popular to this day! Tetris actually handed out 150 million consoles across the world, this game still seems to be one of the most played games around.

Producers of gaming systems went on with their production by launching the game boy advance as well as the nintendo DS. Nintendo definitely made a good impression with their completely new advanced games console, this was because they launched a touch screen and also wireless gaming console. The DS also has invert gaming this means all games from older Nintendo models can be played on the DS.

The newest production of the nintendo is the nintendo dsi, this revolutionary product was introduced in July but Japanese individuals had the opportunity to sample this gadget before the world. This dsi console has a variety of innovative benefits, including Wifi access, Files space, 2 touch screens, cameras and the ability to capture pictures and even videos. Fresh games are downloadable as well as software updates and patches that are also available on the internet.

The console referred to as the nintendo 3DS was then launched in February 2011. This is actually the Third model of the Nintendo DSI, with this gaming console you can actually play your normal DSI games using the new and improved console this is vital to a number of people as they have such a variety of games to experiment with. This nintendo 3DS actually permits you to play 3D games which is a huge advancement based on the recent models.

Sony has also kept up with gameboy by bringing out their own version of gaming systems like the well known and still favored playstation 1, 2 and also 3. The brand new Sony PS Vita was released in February 2012, this gaming system took this market by surprise when it was introduced. This gaming system is most possibly one of the greatest and most progressive consoles on the market now. This new system has an integrated quad core processor in addition to a 5 inch screen. In addition it has blue tooth technologies, duel analogue sticks in addition to front and rear touch screens.

Even though the Sony PS Vita is one of the most beneficial games consoles available at this time there are still brand new improvements being put into practice, one of them includes the creation of a remote Sony gaming console. Having the ability to play games on the vita will certainly be a truly memorable possibility, when this is released individuals will be going outrageous for this device for a variety of years.

For more game news, check out Nintendo?s beat the beat game for Wii which launches across Europe on 6th July.


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