Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Treacherous Line: Emotional Infidelity

You had issues with your spouse. Your bestfriend is still single and probably can?t relate to what you are going through. Here comes an officemate who is available to listen. You unload. The officemate listened. You feel much better. The next day, you seek your officemate to say thanks for helping you out find a good perspective.

It?s an innocent encounter. But what happens when your officemate becomes your sounding board to often instead of your spouse? What happens when you seemed to see another reason to look forward into going to the office and spending time with the officemate?

What happens when your spouse started to ask questions? You get angry. It?s not an affair!

Not yet. But you are treading a very dangerous situation.

You are starting to get emotional attachment to the other person. Emotional unfaithfulness is the same as actual unfaithfulness. There are three factors needed in married persons: you and your partner are expected to be exclusive, possessive and there is a sense of permanence. When one of these things is not fulfilled, it can cause strain, stress and heartache. Even the involvement is not sexual, having that emotional intimacy with someone else can threaten your relationship. When it continues, something is lost in marriage.

Affairs after all, start when one started to look for intimacy and feel something good about themselves. And it can progress if not looked into at the early stage. Affairs- whether physical or emotional is something both of you should face. If it is too much for both of you, counselling will be great. Seeking help outside of the circle is good.

Rebuilding the trust in relationship is not an easy feat. Trust is built through time. And forgiveness is a process. It will take time. It is only through forgiveness that trust can be rebuilt. And to do so, transparency is really signifant. No more hidden text and emails. Privacy is not an issue at this moment. The offender must be transparent and accountable for each other.

Are you having relationships problems? Learn how to get someone backby checking out the Get Your Ex Back Roadmap!

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