Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In the Beginning Was the Word

Thursday 26th July saw the launch of SciLogs.com, a new English language science blog network. SciLogs.com, the brand-new home for Nature Network bloggers, forms part of the SciLogs international collection of blogs which already exist in German, Spanish and Dutch. To celebrate this addition to the NPG science blogging family, some of the NPG blogs are publishing posts focusing on ?Beginnings?.

Participating?in this cross-network blogging festival is nature.com?s Soapbox Science blog, Scitable?s Student Voices blog and bloggers from SciLogs.com, SciLogs.de, Scitable and Scientific American?s Blog Network. Join us as we explore the diverse interpretations of beginnings ? from scientific examples such as stem cells?to first time experiences such as publishing your first paper. You can also follow and contribute to the conversations on social media by using the #BeginScights hashtag. ? Bora


?Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.?
Sir Winston Churchill, British politician (1874 ? 1965)

In the 18th and 19th century collections of natural oddities and specimens were very popular among rich people. Most displayed material was collected by lucky discoverers, assistants or students, only much later also the noble men themselves got into the field, even is such activity was considered more a necessity to gather unique specimens than to understand nature.

The Swiss professor of philosophy Horace-B?n?dict de Saussure (1740-1799) was one of the first to propose to the savants of the time the necessity to gain also observations and measurements in the field. ?Savants? was a general term adopted simply to well educated people interested in various arts ? like philosophy and medicine ? which often included studies of natural phenomena. ?Natural philosophy? included all observable phenomena in nature, from the physiological reaction of the human body on the summit of a mountain to the rocks composing such a mountain. Natural philosophy was only loosely divided in three sub-disciplines- zoology, botany and mineralogy ? based on the collectable specimens (like animals, plants and minerals).

Fig.1. James Hutton (left) and Joseph Black portrayed as ?philosophers? or early ?geognosts?, caricature published in 1787 by John Kay (Edinburgh).

A much specific approach, to the structure of earth itself, was initiated by a new science emerging from geography and adapted to the necessities of the mining industries to understand better the underground.

In Germany the art called ?geognosie? (?earth knowledge?) included the description and representation of the surface of earth, like geography, but widened its approach to the third dimension, hidden below the surface of earth. This science was referred also as ?mineralogical geography? or with the french term of ?g?ographie souterraine? (?geography of the underground?). Its goals are best understandable in the Italian name ?anatomia della terra? ? ?anatomy of earth?.

Fig.2. Luigi Ferdinando Marsili ?On the Structures of Mountains?, published in 1705. Early geognosts mapped and developed a classification scheme for the various landscapes observed in nature; however a theory, explaining the formation of these features, was lacking.

However geognosie was an applied, descriptive art, not a science in a modern sense dedicated to formulate hypothesis and test them. Even if Geognosts went in the field only to map the rocks of the countryside, their maps and profiles were a major input to create a new ? this time a real ? science researching and testing also theories.

Already Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon (1707-1788) stressed in his ?Nature?s Epochs? (1778) the necessity to create an own geotheory to understand the structure and history of earth. In the same year of Buffon?s ?Epochs? the term geology was introduced (hesitant) in the literature by the Swiss naturalist Jean-Andre de Luc (1727-1817) with his opus ?Letters on Mountains?.

?I mean here by cosmology only the knowledge of the earth, and not that of the universe. In this sense, ?geology? would have been the correct word, but I dare not adopt it, because it is not in common use.?

Geology became synonymous with the ?Theory of the Earth?, as a part of cosmology dedicated to the description of the character of earth and, maybe even more important, the relationships of geological forces with animals, plants and also we humans.

?In now addressing my brother -geologists ? and under this term I would comprehend all who take an interest in the progress of a science whose problems are inseparably interwoven with the whole study of nature ? I have been influenced by the conviction that it is good for us, as workers in the same field, occasionally to pause and question ourselves as to the ultimate bearing of our investigations.?
David Page (1863) ?The Philosophy of Geology.?

However the word geology has much older roots. In his testament and legacy written in 1603 the Italian Renaissance- naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) introduces the term ?Giologia? to refer to the study of ?fossilia? ? the things unearthed.
Aldrovandi tried his whole life to classify nature and to separate rocks and fossils from the animals and plants the already existing term mineralogy was not sufficient. Giologia would encompass all rocks, all minerals and especially the petrified organisms (he recognized some fossils as once living beings) excavated from below the earth?s surface.

Fig.3. ?La giologia? in the official version of Aldrovandi?s last will.

200 years later the term, theory and principles of Geology will become widely known.

Fig.4. ?I a geologist?, from the Notebook M, 1838, page 39 of Charles Darwin, the full phrase as follows: ?I a geologist have illdefined notion of land covered with ocean, former animals, slow force cracking surface &c truly poetical.?


ROSENBERG, G.D. (2009): The measure of man and landscape in the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. In Rosenberg, G.D. (ed.): The Revolution in Geology from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment: Geological Society of America Memoir 203: 13-40
RUDWICK, M.J.S (2005): Bursting the limits of time ? The reconstruction of Geohistory in the Age of Revolution. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London: 708
TH?SEN, J.v.d. (2008) : Sch?nheit und Schrecken der Vulkane ? Zur Kulturgeschichte des Vulkanismus. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 239
VAI, B. (2003): Aldrovandi?s Will: introducing the term ?Geology? in 1603. In BATTISTA, G. & CAVAZZA, W. (2003): Four Centuries of the Word geology ? Ulisse Aldrovandi 1603 in Bologna. Minerva Edizioni: 327

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=4485a727e6b2506fed51d55539404bc5

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

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Lessons from the Olympics, by David Brooks | NYTimes eXaminer

July 27, 2012 ????? 1 Comments

Source: NYTX


By Marie Burns:

?Abraham Lincoln ? was right about slavery.? It?s good to know that New York Times columnist David Brooks is on the right side of history here.

Unless slaves are involved, ?a house divided against itself? is in good shape, according to Brooks. Apparently, Eric Cantor and the ?Just Say No? Republican Tea Party Congress are national treasures ? as long as they don?t openly advocate slavery. Other forms of systematic oppression ? A-Okay.

?The Olympics are a peaceful celebration of our warlike nature.? For example, the Olympics village is ?just a magical, fairy-tale place, like Alice in Wonderland, where everything is possible. You could win a gold medal and you can sleep with a really hot guy.? ? Carrie Sheinberg, former U.S. Olympics skier and de facto American goodwill ambassador. I?d assume the nationality of the temporary partner is less important than the hotness. If, like me, you are not possessed of a ?warlike nature,? consider yourself abnormal. And do not waste your time trying to hook up at the Olympic Village. Olympians will not ?celebrate? you.

The opening ceremony ? are [sic.] a lavish celebration of the cooperative virtues: unity, friendship, equality, compassion and care.? Caveat: Don?t display the South Korean flag when introducing North Korean athletes. Many of the Korean players may be biological kin, but the North Koreans are just not into ?unity, friendship, equality, compassion and caring? for their South Korean cousins.

?There will be a lot of dancing.? This is a bore, but it?s what we ?exceptional? Americans have come to expect from the dimwitted Brits.

It?s hard to know just how well [the London Olympic games] will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials ? that obviously is not something which is encouraging?. There are three parts that make the games successful. Number one of course are the athletes?. Number two are the volunteers?. But number three are the people of the country. Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That?s something we only find out once the games actually begin. ? Mitt Romney, to NBC News? Brian Williams, Wednesday

As as exceptional American wearing a genuine gold U.S. flag pin, one also has to wonder if the Brits are as patriotic as are those on this side of the pond. We?ll see.

?England [sic.],? after all, ?is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn?t make things that the rest of the world wants to buy. And if it hadn?t been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler?s ambition.? ? Mitt Romney, No Apology. It was awfully nice of Brooks to write a column reminding us that his favorite presidential candidate is in ?England? embarrassing our exceptional country every time he opens his mouth.

We like to watch dancers because ?we?re social, semi-herdlike creatures, we take a primordial pleasure in the sight of a large number of people moving in unison.? We the little people are a bovine lot, genetically wired to follow the leader and fit seamlessly into our assigned roles. Perhaps communism is the angel of our better natures. (See Brooks on ?our followership problem.? Sometimes we don?t do our ?semi-herdlike? best.)

Dance is physical, like sports, but, in many ways, it is the opposite of sports. In dance, the purpose is to blend with and mirror each other; in sport, the purpose is to come out ahead. Dancers perform for the audience and offer a gift of emotion; athletes respond to one another and the spectators are just there to witness and cheer. Dancers, especially at the opening ceremony, smile in warmth and friendship. No true sport is ever done smiling (this is the problem with figure skating and competitive cheerleading)?.

If the opening ceremony is win-win, most of the rest of the games are win-lose. If the opening ceremony mimics peace, the competitions mimic warfare. It?s not about the brotherhood of humankind. It?s about making sure our country beats the Chinese in the medal chart.

This is a long passage, so it affords several lessons. First, a good essay often compares and contrasts one phenomenon with another, a column-writing prescription Brooks likely learned in his 8th-grade English class. Second, figure-skating is not a sport. (What about dressage? If the horses don?t smile during performances, I?ll bet the riders do.) And, third, it turns out that lovely opening ceremony is a communistic sham. Not all lessons are equal.

The games comprise ?a celebration of the competitive virtues: tenacity, courage, excellence, supremacy, discipline and conflict.? Who knew ?supremacy? and ?conflict? were virtues? Luckily, we have David Brooks to inform us of the less obvious virtues.

The marathoner struggling against exhaustion, the boxer trying to pummel his foe, the diver resolutely focused on her task. The purpose is to be tougher and better than the people who are seeking the same pinnacle?.

Through fierce competition, sport separates the elite from the mediocre. It identifies the heroes and standards of excellence that everybody else can emulate (a noble loser can serve as well as a talented winner). The idea is not to win friendship; it?s to win glory. We get to see people experiencing the thrill of victory from the agony of defeat and judge how well they respond.

There is always a place for clich?s and bromides, even if Brooks 8th-grade English teacher said otherwise. S/he, after all, never got a job at the New York Times.

? the Olympic Games appeal both to our desire for fellowship and our desire for status, to the dreams of community and also supremacy. And, of course, these desires are in tension. But the world is, too. The world isn?t a jigsaw puzzle that fits neatly and logically together. It?s a system of clashing waves that can never be fully reconciled.

If you?re reckless enough, clich?s and bromides can turn into grand metaphors, handy for oversimplifying complex dynamics in fewer than 800 words ? Brooks? New York Times biweekly allotment. The ?tensions? of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are ?waves? clashing against the ?tensions? of Benjamin Netanyahu. You cannot fit waves into a jigsaw puzzle. They will splash and clash till the puzzle pieces get awfully soggy.

?The enduring popularity of the Olympics teach [sic.] the lesson that if you find yourself caught between two competing impulses, you don?t always need to choose between them. You can go for both simultaneously.? If you?re reckless enough, clich?s and bromides can turn into personal philosophy. Also, it is definitely unnecessary to have noun and verb agree; maybe that?s symptomatic of ?competing inpulses? or ?clashing waves.?

?F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said that the mark of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two contradictory thoughts in your mind at the same time.? Don?t cite only one authority ? see Lincoln, above ? when you can cite two or three.

?Some parents and teachers like the cooperative virtues and distrust the competitive ones, so, laughably, they tell their kids that they are going to play sports but nobody is going to keep score.? Forget ?cooperation,? kiddies; bullying and brute force are the names of the game. We call it ?sports? and applaud ?good sportsmanship,? but that was an ethos of another time. Athletics is not for fun, recreation or personal physical, mental and social development. If you don?t play to win, you?re a loser. Even if your ?laughable? teacher isn?t keeping score. Here, Brooks looks back past the 8th grade into an earlier, frightening time when circumstances forced him to learn how to negotiate the delicate bully-v.-bullied equipoise.

Politics has become a contest of monomaniacs. One faction champions austerity while another champions growth. One party becomes the party of economic security and the other becomes the party of creative destruction. The right course is usually to push hard in both directions, to be a house creatively divided against itself, to thrive amid the contradiction.

If you?re reckless, clich?s and bromides can turn into confusing political prescriptions. Are monomaniacs desirable? Should they stand their ground? Or should individual monomaniacs ?push hard in both directions? until they tear themselves asunder? Being one of the non-warrior subset of little people, I?m afraid I had trouble processing David Brooks? Big Idea.

All I learned is this: cooperation is for sissies.

And there will be dancing.

Let the games begin.


Marie Burns blogs at RealityChex.com

By marieburns

Source: http://www.nytexaminer.com/2012/07/lessons-from-the-olympics-by-david-brooks/

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Reliance may invest nearly $1 billion in aerospace business: paper

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Reliance Industries , India's third-most valuable company, is expected to invest close to $1 billion over the next few years in its aerospace division, the Economic Times reported on Saturday, citing unnamed executives close to the matter.

The company, controlled by India's richest man Mukesh Ambani, may hire about 1,500 people and collaborate with global players to bring sophisticated civil and military aerospace technologies to India, the paper said.

A Reliance Industries spokesman declined comment, when contacted by Reuters.

Reliance Industries this month applied for a government license to design and make equipment for military and civilian aircraft as well as unmanned airborne vehicles, the paper said.

For the newspaper story, see http://link.reuters.com/qus69s

Reliance aims to double its operating profit in the next four to five years as it boosts spending and capacity in its core energy business and builds up its retail and telecoms operations.

(Writing by Devidutta Tripathy; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/reliance-may-invest-nearly-1-billion-aerospace-business-064032423--finance.html

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Hamilton fastest in opening F1 practice

Lewis Hamilton led team-mate Jenson Button as McLaren topped the times during Friday morning's first free practice for Sunday's Hungarian Grand Prix.

Briton Hamilton, champion in 2008, looked strong from the get-go and took over the top spot half an hour in before clocking his and the session's fastest time with a lap of the Hungaroring in one minute 22.821 seconds halfway through the session.

His team-mate and English compatriot Button stayed in touch with Hamilton and wound up second-fastest just a tenth of a second slower.

Drivers' championship leader Fernando Alonso of Spain was third fastest in a Ferrari, followed by German Nico Rosberg of Mercedes and Lotus driver Romain Grosjean of France.

Seven-times champion Michael Schumacher was sixth quickest in the second Mercedes ahead of Brazilian Felipe Massa in the other Ferrari.

Finn Kimi Raikkonen followed in eighth in the second Lotus ahead of his compatriot and Williams' test driver Valtteri Bottas.

Mexican Sergio Perez of Sauber finished the session tenth fastest.

Red Bull duo Mark Webber of Australia and Germany's Sebastian Vettel wound up 13th and 15th fastest respectively.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hamilton-fastest-opening-f1-practice-000407632--nascar.html

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Small Business, Business Sales. What Type of Businesses are ...

Since the start of 2012 Sunbelt Midwest has completed over 50 small business sales in various industries such as retail, manufacturing, distribution, service, automotive, health and franchise sales. A recently sold service business sold in 66 days from listing to close. Another business for sale in the automotive industry sold in just 52 days. Some may wonder why certain businesses are selling quickly and others are not?

Milwaukee, WI (PRWEB) July 26, 2012 Stability, cash flow and growth seem to be the magic formula for businesses selling in today?s market. A recent article published by the BizTimes.com reported that companies with stability and proven growth and the capability to offset an uncertain economic environment are at the top of the list for buyers.

?Companies showing growth, successful retention of employees, a solid cash flow and organization are the most active to our buyers.? said Ed Krajcir, President of the Milwaukee office of Sunbelt Midwest. ?We have seen a lot of recent interest of businesses in the manufacturing industry. Niche manufacturing businesses especially growing manufacturing companies with qualified skilled workers in place are commanding prices at higher than average multiples. Buyers want to see that a company can generate enough cash flow to make money as well as train and retain skilled workers. Long-term baby boomer business owners are turning 65 every day and looking to retire. Often there aren?t enough younger people in the pipeline to fill their places. Retiring business owners should know to complete closing a business for a desirable price they need to be able to show growth, stable cash flow and should offer extensive seller training. Today?s business owner might wonder how to value a business or close a transaction quickly in order to retire. Those business owners need to look closely at how their company stacks up not only with hard fast assets but with intangibles as well.? Said Ed. ?By keeping these important intangible assets in mind, business owners can be prepared when it comes time to sell. These intangibles convey a value that financial statements alone do not. For many business owners, they reach a point where they burn out and want to sell as fast as possible. As long as a business owner has properly considered intangibles assets, their business will be ready to go to market when they are.?

Sunbelt Midwest recommends business owners look at the following 5 intangible assets to maximize the fair market value of their business;

1. Develop key employees. Buyers generally aren?t interested in paying a premium if the business relies on the business owner for its success. Delegate responsibility to key employees and involve key staff members in the decision making process. Being able to demonstrate that the company?s success is reliant on well-trained employees ? not just the owner ? often pays off big at the time of sale.

2. Document what you do. Be sure that job descriptions, operation processes, and strategic plans are documented so a new owner can emulate successful growth.

3. Build relationships. Name recognition, customer awareness and a business reputation is all part of business value. Even if a company doesn?t have many hard assets, diverse supplier and customer account relationships are key.

4. Improve cash flows. A potential buyer will typically want to see the businesses financials to know that the business can make cash. Business owners should drive all income to the bottom line when preparing to sell.

5. Review the business assets. Sell off or dispose of unproductive assets or unsalable inventory in particular assets that cross over from business to personal use.

About Sunbelt Midwest

Sunbelt Midwest is an elite division of Sunbelt, the largest organization of business brokers and M A professionals in the world. With five offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sunbelt Midwest is a premier brokerage. The business brokers and M A intermediaries of Sunbelt Midwest, consistently rank in the top performers of Sunbelt International. Sunbelt Midwest is trusted with coordinating all of the national franchisor relationships for Sunbelt. Because of this interaction, Sunbelt Midwest has a unique ability to market businesses throughout Sunbelt internationally. Sunbelt Midwest truly has a GLOBAL reach!

Vanessa Mason
Sunbelt of Milwaukee
Email Information

Article source: http://news.yahoo.com/small-business-business-sales-type-businesses-selling-today-070324498.html

Source: http://www.rethinkingsales.com/2012/07/27/small-business-business-sales-what-type-of-businesses-are-selling-in-todays-market/

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Egypt outgoing irrigation minister named as new PM

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], 'http://yhoo.it/KeQd0p', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], ' http://yhoo.it/KpUoHO', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/LqYjAX ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JUSxvi', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], 'http://bit.ly/JnoJYN', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], 'http://bit.ly/KoKiqJ', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], 'http://abcn.ws/KTE5AZ', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JD7nlD', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], 'http://bit.ly/JRPFRO', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/GV9zpj', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/white-house-stays-out-of-teen-s-killing-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120411/martinzimmermen.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/navy-jet-crashes-in-virginia-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120406/jet_ap.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/russian-grannies-win-bid-to-sing-at-eurovision-1331223625-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/1/56/156d92f2760dcd3e75bcd649a8b85fcf.jpeg', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', 'http://music.yahoo.com' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/egypt-outgoing-irrigation-minister-named-pm-105723342.html

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Despite a few jitters, Batman fans pack theaters

In this photo taken with a fisheye lens, people watch villain Bane on the screen during the midnight premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises" inside the Liberty Science Center IMAX theater Friday, July 20, 2012, in Jersey City, N.J. A gunman in a gas mask barged into a crowded Denver-area theater during a midnight premiere of the Batman movie on Friday, July 20, 2012, hurled a gas canister and then opened fire, killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others in one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

In this photo taken with a fisheye lens, people watch villain Bane on the screen during the midnight premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises" inside the Liberty Science Center IMAX theater Friday, July 20, 2012, in Jersey City, N.J. A gunman in a gas mask barged into a crowded Denver-area theater during a midnight premiere of the Batman movie on Friday, July 20, 2012, hurled a gas canister and then opened fire, killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others in one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

(AP) ? The three 18-year-olds, friends since middle school, are about to go off separately to college this fall. But on Sunday, these avid fans of the Batman film franchise had no doubt where they wanted to be: Together, at the movies, watching "The Dark Knight Rises."

"What happened in Colorado was horrible, but that guy was just a psycho," said Sahil Agrawal, of Queens in New York City, waiting with friends David Kim and Danny Wong for an Imax showing on Manhattan's Upper West Side. "This wasn't going to change our plans."

The three were typical of hordes of fans who packed theaters across the country over the weekend, keeping plans to see the final installment of the phenomenally successful Batman trilogy despite Friday's horrific shooting in Colorado. Despite the occasional jitter ? reflected in the choice of a back-row seat, perhaps, or a glance to see what security was in place ? the fans seemed determined to look beyond the shooting.

"I'm not going to let some nut who shoots people dictate what I'm going to do," said Ron Bondy, 36, in Bismarck, N.D., a sentiment echoed by fans all over the country.

Not that there weren't some evident qualms among moviegoers. At the same theater in Bismarck, Jen Jackson had insisted upon one thing to her husband: They were going to sit in the back row in case they needed to get out fast. The 29-year-old architect was also forgoing the popcorn ? not as a precaution, but because nerves had stolen her appetite.

"I'll be honest, I'm kind of scared," said Jackson. She had hesitated to come at all. But her husband, Patrick, standing alongside her, was pragmatic: "I don't think anything would happen in Bismarck."

Warner Bros. and other studios banded together to withhold the usual weekend revenue reports until Monday, a day later than usual, out of respect for the victims. But industry estimates suggested the film was on track to be the third highest opening weekend ever, after "The Avengers" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ? Part 2."

Katie Birkel had no intention of missing the occasion. She was at a Manhattan showing along with three friends, celebrating one of their birthdays. Birkel said she had been inspired by a statement from the film's director, Christopher Nolan, after the tragedy, which occurred at the midnight showing in Aurora, Colo.

"He said that movies are about coming together and sharing an experience," noted Birkel, 28. "I agree with that."

Mike Sumner, standing a few steps behind her in a Batman T-shirt, said he was comforted by seeing the NYPD outside the theater ? at least two officers were patrolling outside. "Colorado was an isolated incident," he said. "I'm not afraid of copycats. Besides, I'm a New Yorker. We're always vigilant."

Police were also visible outside a theater in McAllen, Texas, near the Mexico border, where an officer firmly waved away drivers who attempted to stop in front.

Inside, Juan Carlos Rivera waited with his mother-in-law and his wife. The 38-year-old Brownsville resident said the family had been big fans of the first two movies and wouldn't want to skip the third.

"It looks like it was an isolated incident," Rivera said of the mass shooting. He said he'd probably sit on the aisle ? not out of fear, but because his wife was pregnant and might need the restroom. "You can't allow a random event like that to terrorize you," he said.

Besides, many said in interviews, what was the chance that lightning would strike twice?

"I don't think that that many people are crazy enough," reasoned Dayna Freeman of Kansas City, Mo.

Her date, Tom Meyer, added that the theater ? the Cinemark Palace at The Plaza ? had excellent security. The two had bought their tickets on Sunday, but like most interviewed, they said the shooting in no way had sparked their curiosity. "No, I can't imagine anything like that," said Meyer.

Meyer added that he didn't think the content of the movie had anything to do with the crime: "You can't really attribute the actions of a nut to the movies," he said. "Two years ago, he would have picked 'Avatar.'"

Still, despite sharing that logic, some were showing nerves. In Hollywood, Fla., Steve Parenteau, 45, said he wasn't thinking at all about the shooting. But his 13-year-old son, Noah, looked solemn, saying the Colorado tragedy was on his mind. "It's scary," he said. "I can picture it."

And at a multiplex in downtown Chicago, roommates Sarah Cantor and Brittany Carter avoided a midnight showing. "I was relieved to know that we were going to a matinee," said Cantor, 23.

Still, most moviegoers echoed the feeling that the attack could have happened anywhere, anytime.

"Things are going to happen wherever they're going to happen, because people are nuts wherever," said Rachel Cox, who saw the movie at Atlanta's Midtown Arts Cinema. "Crazy travels, so I don't really think it has anything to do with geography or the movie ... crazy people are crazy." Still, she added, she planned to sit in the back ? because she likes the view from there, but also because she considered it safer, even before Colorado.

In midtown Manhattan, Randy Cordero and Megan Rivera sat on the pavement outside an AMC Loews Theater, waiting with soft drinks and a magazine for a late-afternoon show. They'd bought their tickets online Saturday, and said the shooting hadn't affected their plans. They'd hoped for a midnight showing, but it was sold out.

"I don't think it'll happen to me, but it can always happen," noted Cordero. But Rivera said there was one thing that would indeed cause her some concern: seeing someone in costume, especially as the Joker (New York's police commissioner, Ray Kelly, said the shooter, James Holmes, had his hair painted red and said he was the Joker, but Aurora police have not confirmed that.) "I'd feel more cautious, and I'd think, 'I've got to watch that guy,'" she said.

Waiting for an earlier show at the same theater was Devin Favors, 24, an event ticket broker from Brooklyn. He said he'd bought his ticket last week, but even if he hadn't, nothing would have stopped him from seeing the movie.

After all, he said, "This is America. And you should be able to go where you want to go, and see what you want to see."


Ray Henry in Atlanta, Heather Hollingsworth in Kansas City, Mo., Kelli Kennedy in Hollywood, Fla., Verena Dobnik in New York City, Michelle Nealy in Chicago, James MacPherson in Bismarck, N.D., and Christopher Sherman in McAllen, Texas contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-23-Colorado%20Shooting-Moviegoers/id-be3c1299debc4138a30e3e5047676083

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Protest gets a pedestal among baseball?s greats

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jul 23, 2012

Some of the thousands of people who gathered in Cooperstown, N.Y., on Sunday for the annual induction ceremony into the National Baseball Hall of Fame no doubt visited the attached museum to gaze at items connected to memorable moments or the greats of the game.

But one display, near the center of an exhibit called ?Today?s Game,? may have surprised some visitors because of its ties to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Inside a glass case was a white jersey with flowing blue lettering and a blue hat that might seem vaguely familiar to Brooklynites of a certain vintage. The team name, however, was the Tax Dodgers; the hat displayed a 1 percent logo.

The items, which were donated by a satirical street theater group tied to Occupy Wall Street, have been included in the Hall of Fame Museum not because of their political content but because they reflect baseball?s prominent place in the national landscape, said Tom Shieber, senior curator at the museum.

?Baseball is a pervasive part of the American vernacular,? Shieber said. ?It?s a language we all speak.?

The idea to form the Tax Dodgers came early this year. A group of Occupy Wall Street activists formed a street theater group to satirize people and companies that use lobbying or loopholes to lower the amount of taxes they pay or to eliminate payments altogether.

The group roamed through Midtown Manhattan on tax day, April 17, swinging baseball bats and singing about economic deception to the tune of ?Take Me Out to the Ball Game.? They visited the Eighth Avenue post office where last-minute filers were standing in line, said Gan Golan, a member of the group, and brought a giant cardboard baseball mitt, emblazoned with the word ?Mitt,? to a Romney fundraiser at the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

As a result of such appearances, the Tax Dodgers gained a modest following, and a friend of Shieber?s sent him a clip of the group in action. Shieber said he was interested in how the group used baseball imagery to communicate a political message, something that many others had done in the past.

For instance, Shieber said, the museum owned sheet music for patriotic songs written in 1943 that used baseball metaphors to buoy spirits during World War II, and it had a Currier and Ives lithograph from 1860 depicting Abraham Lincoln and other presidential candidates using baseball idioms to analyze their electoral prospects.

Shieber asked the Tax Dodgers if they would donate a uniform, and the group sent one by overnight mail. In July, several members of the team drove to Cooperstown, in uniform and accompanied by two cheerleaders. They arrived to find one of their shirts along with a 1 percent cap and a plaque designed by the museum. Next to it was the bat that the Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton had used on May 8 to hit four home runs in one game.

Golan, 38, an artist and writer who moved from Oakland to Brooklyn when Occupy protests began last fall, said he was pleased with the display and hoped it would help the group?s message reach a wider audience. He added that he had never expected the Tax Dodgers to gain the company of players like Willie Mays and Walter Johnson.

?We?re playing the bad guys, and those guys are heroes,? he said.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

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NCAA comes down hard on Penn State

The NCAA has slammed Penn State with an unprecedented series of penalties, including a $60 million fine and the loss of all coach Joe Paterno's victories from 1998-2011, in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

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A look at the lives of the shooting victims

AURORA, Colo. (AP) ? A U.S. Navy veteran who served three tours of duty in the Middle East. A 6-year-old girl excited about her swimming classes. A Target employee who shielded his girlfriend and her brother with his own body. They and nine others were killed in the shooting rampage during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" in a Denver suburb. Here are their stories:


Jonathan Blunk had high hopes for the future, with plans to re-enlist in the Navy and the goal of becoming a Navy SEAL.

The 26-year-old served three tours in the Persian Gulf and North Arabian Sea between 2004 and 2009, said close friend James Gill of Brighton, Colo.

"It was guts or glory for him," Gill told The Associated Press. "It always surprised me that he didn't serve in a situation more on the front line. He wanted to be a first responder on the front line."

Blunk was also a certified firefighter and emergency medical technician, Gill added.

He died in the shooting Friday after throwing himself in front of friend Jansen Young and saving her life, she told the NBC "Today" show. He told her to stay down.

"That's something he would do," Gill said. "If he was going to choose a way to die, that's how he wanted to go ? defending someone from a (person) like that."

Blunk, a 2004 graduate of Hug High School in Reno, Nev., most recently worked at a hardware store.

His estranged wife, Chantel Blunk, lives with their 4-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son in Sparks, Nev.


Alexander J. Boik, known as AJ, recently graduated from high school and was to start classes at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in the fall, The Denver Post reported.

The family said in a statement that the 18-year-old was loved by all who knew him and was dating "a beautiful young lady" who was with him at the theater and survived. "We want to try and focus on the beautiful lives that were ended and not the evil that is responsible," the family said.

A friend, Jordan Crofter, described Boik as someone who "didn't hold anything back. He was just his own person."

"He was a ball of joy. He was never sad or depressed. He wanted everybody to be happy," Crofter told The Associated Press.

Crofter said Boik played baseball from when he was a child through his junior year in high school.

He said Boik and his girlfriend were the "perfect couple" and people expected them to get married.

"If he were still here, he'd try to make everyone have a positive outlook of the situation and not allow it to affect their outlook of life," Crofter said.


Jesse Childress was an Air Force cyber-systems operator based at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora.

Air Force Capt. Andrew Williams described the 29-year-old from Thornton, Colo., as knowledgeable, experienced and respectful. "We're going to miss him incredibly," he said.

Tech Sgt. Alejandro Sanchez, a co-worker, told the AP that Childress was his good friend and they were on a bowling team together.

"He would help anyone and always was great for our Air Force unit," he said.

Another co-worker, Ashley Wassinger, said Childress "was a great person fun to be with, always positive and laughing."

"Really just an amazing person, and I am so lucky to have been his friend," she said.


Gordon Cowden loved life and his family, and he had gone to the midnight movie premiere with his two teenage children.

At 51, he was the oldest of the victims killed in the shooting. He lived in Aurora, but was described as a "true Texas gentleman" in a family statement. He loved the outdoors and owned his own business.

"A quick witted world traveler with a keen sense of humor, he will be remembered for his devotion to his children and for always trying his best to do the right thing, no matter the obstacle," his family said.

His teenage children escaped the shooting unharmed.

His family declined to be interviewed in their request for privacy but expressed appreciation for words of concern offered in the wake of the shooting.

"Our hearts go out to everyone that has been harmed by this senseless tragedy," they said.


Jessica Ghawi recently wrote a blog post after surviving a shooting at a Toronto mall, saying it showed her "how fragile life was."

Friends say the 24-year-old, who moved to Colorado from Texas about a year ago, didn't let the June 2 shooting in Toronto change her outlook on life as she pursued a career in sports journalism.

"I think she even looked at that like, 'Hey, even after that, I'm able to pursue my dream,'" said Peter Burns, a radio sports show host with Mile High Sports Radio in Denver, where Ghawi recently interned.

That shooting left two dead and several injured. Her blog post last month said: "I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change.

"I was reminded that we don't know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath."

Former colleagues described her as ambitious and hardworking. She went by the name "Redfield," a play on her red hair, because it was easy to say and remember, both professionally and on her social media accounts.

She was a regular tweeter and her last post to the micro-blogging website stated in all capital letters, "movie doesn't start for 20 minutes."


John Larimer was a Navy sailor based at Buckley Air Force Base, where he was a cryptologic technician ? a job that the Navy says on its website should be filled by someone with "exceptionally good character, above-average writing and speaking skills, a good memory, curiosity and resourcefulness."

Those who knew him described him in similar terms.

The 27-year-old and another active service member, Air Force Sgt. Jesse Childress, were killed in the shooting rampage, the military said Saturday.

Larimer, who grew up in the Chicago suburb of Crystal Lake, Ill., joined the service just over a year ago, the Navy said.

"A valued member of our Navy team, he will be missed by all who knew him. My heart goes out to John's family, friends and loved ones, as well as to all the victims of this horrible tragedy," said Cmdr. Jeffrey Jakuboski, his commanding officer, in a written statement.

A family member told the Daily Herald newspaper in Arlington Heights, Ill., that Larimer was the youngest of five siblings. Neighbors in his hometown recalled his sense of humor.

"We love you, John, and we will miss you always," his parents said in a statement.


As the attack in the movie theater unfolded, Matt McQuinn dove in front of his girlfriend and her older brother to shield them from the gunfire.

He died protecting them, said Rob Scott, an Ohio attorney retained by the families of McQuinn and his girlfriend, Samantha Yowler. Scott confirmed McQuinn's death to The Associated Press. He was 27.

"Unfortunately, Matt McQuinn perished from the injuries he sustained during the tragic events that unfolded in Denver, Colorado, and went home to be with his maker," Scott said in a statement. "As both families mourn the loss of Matt, they ask for everyone to give them distance and time. Again, the families thank everyone for their love, prayers and ask that we respect their families' wishes."

Yowler was recovering from surgery after she was shot in the knee at the theater. Her 32-year-old brother, Nick Yowler, who also shielded his sister, was not injured.

McQuinn and Yowler moved to Colorado from Ohio last fall. A Colorado co-worker told the Springfield News-Sun that McQuinn and Samantha Yowler worked with her at Target.

"They're really fun people. We always go out together," said Melissa Downen.


The death of 23-year-old Micayla Medek was heartbreaking, said her father's cousin, Anita Busch.

But Busch said the news also was a relief for the family after an agonizing day of waiting.

"I hope this evil act ... doesn't shake people's faith in God," she said.

Micayla Medek lived in the Denver suburb of Westminster, Colo., and attended Aurora Community College.

Her aunt, Jenny Zakovich, 57, of South Milwaukee, Wis., said Medek and her father were both huge Green Bay Packers fans.


The youngest of the victims killed in the attack was Veronica Moser-Sullivan.

She had just learned to swim, and at age 6, she was a "great little girl, excited about life," her great-aunt Annie Dalton said. "She should be at 6 years old."

Her mother, Ashley Moser, remains hospitalized with gunshot wounds to her neck and abdomen. She has been in and out of consciousness and asking for her daughter during moments of lucidity.

"Nobody can tell her about it," Dalton said. "She is in critical condition, but all she's asking about is her daughter."


Alex Sullivan's family called him "their real life super hero," and he was at "The Dark Knight Rises" premiere celebrating his 27th birthday and his first wedding anniversary.

"Alex was a gentle giant, known and loved by so many. He always had a glowing smile on his face and he made friends with everyone. Alex enjoyed all sorts of movies, was an avid comic book geek and loved the New York Mets," the family said in a statement.

Sullivan had a warm smile and an innocence that endeared him to people, said Shelly Fradkin, whose son Brian was good friends with Sullivan.

She sat next to a makeshift memorial Friday near the theater where an oversized birthday card with a photo of a smiling Sullivan was displayed.

"He's amazing. He was just a big teddy bear. Great hugs," she said.

She said Sullivan was such a big movie fan that he took jobs at theaters just to see movies.

Fradkin and her son spent an "excruciating" day trying to find Sullivan before learning of his death, she said.

"We're shocked. We're numb. We're sick," she said. "Our hearts are broken, and we're crushed."


Alexander C. Teves, 24, of Phoenix, earned a master's degree in counseling psychology in June from University of Denver.

He was a lovable person who made friends quickly and had a lot of them, said his grandfather, Carlo Iacovelli of Barnegat, N.J.

As a boy, Teves moved from New Jersey to Phoenix with his parents. Iacovelli and his wife wintered there and spent a lot of time with him.

"He was what you might call an ideal grandson," Iacovelli said. "He was a fun guy. He loved to eat."

Teves was planning to become a psychiatrist, his grandfather said.

"He had a lot to look forward to," Iacovelli said.


Rebecca Ann Wingo had started a job several months ago as a customer relations representative at a mobile medical imaging company. She was 32.

Shannon Dominguez, who worked with Wingo on weekends, said she was friendly with everyone and always seemed to be in a good mood.

"I didn't really know her well but she had a really bubbly personality," Dominguez said. "She was a pretty happy person. She just never really seemed ... like with work, she never got irritated. She was pretty happy to be here."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/look-lives-colorado-shooting-victims-015820264.html

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Teaching Your Pet Dog How To Take action | Dog House Blues Band

Education your pet dog will make existence easier, along with your much loved pet too. This article will present you with several tips that can be used when learning how to train your family members dog. Have fun when you are performing this along with your dog, and also in time you will see amazing outcomes.

The best way to potty-train your pup is usually to crate-train it. A pet dog won?t potty exactly where it rests, so maintain the pet within his crate and allow him to out for a potty crack at regular intervals and that he goes. Eventually, your dog will become familiar with that toilet time is exterior time. This type of coaching also inhibits lots of incidents. Searching for methods towards successful training? Go to this website concerning training labrador retrievers?

Dog chewing is a natural and required habits, but it may be redirected. A puppy?s chewing is one way he explores environmental surroundings about him. Offer your pup with clear authority and lots of human discussion and stimulation. Also, provide him with enjoyable chew games. This will aid cease him from chewing on the things that he must not be chewing on.

When you have received your dog or pet and you have crate skilled them you should always try not to keep these in there for longer than four or 5 various several hours at a time except when it?s right away or it?s only a once-in-some time factor. When you have to keep these things in the crate for extended time periods, your dog almost certainly wasn?t your best option for you personally.

When you take your pup out to attend the lavatory, you should remain calm with him. They have a shorter consideration period and might get distracted by sounds and smells, or would like to enjoy. This is certainly regular pet habits and must not be reprimanded, specially as he is still studying.

Dogs and pups that show enjoy biting habits can be the two bothersome and hazardous. Although enjoy biting is a regular dog habits, you should instruct your pet dog that mouthy enjoy is undesirable. As soon as your pet nips you playfully, come up with a loud sound and transfer apart, ignoring the pet. This will likely instruct mouthful inhibition in such a way the pet knows.

By being consistent you can instruct your pup to ?maintain it.? If you are at home, go out with your pet dog and take him outside every single hr. If he does go to the bathroom outside, compliments him. By no means scold your pet dog for moving in your house. He doesn?t know any much better, and yelling at him will never assist him understand. Constantly go ahead and take dog out about a quarter-hour following he consumes or cocktails nearly anything, in addition to each and every time he comes out of his crate.

The true secret to potty training a brand new pet is regularity. Remember that as he is by using his mommy, he is able to relieve themselves anytime he should, so it should take a little while for him to learn he must wait for somebody to take him outside to attend the lavatory. Need help with training jack russells? Here are some information you might think about?

Dogs are known as ?man?s closest friend,? but when they are unruly and untrained they could be a headache. The previous proverb that a person are unable to instruct aged dogs new tips is bogus, however it is undoubtedly easier to train a pet. Dogs are eventually load pets and is particularly necessary for your dog owner to be the best choice of that particular load.

Properly trained dogs are pleased dogs and dogs which can be skilled lead to delighted people who own dogs. This is a earn-earn scenario. Education your pet dog needs time to work, but it begins with house-coaching and techniques to learning how to stroll on the leash. Basic commands such as heel, stay and profit are very important for any dog?s security. People who own dogs can discover pet coaches by way of their local huge box pet store or the veterinary clinic, but it should take lots of operate from your owner nevertheless. A pet dog which is well trained constitutes a happier pet and really delighted pet owner.

Provided you can adhere to the tips in this article, your pet dog will demonstrate development. Education your pet dog is surely an pleasant part of ownership. It will be hard, frustrating, and dirty sometimes, however, if you continue at it, your pooch can understand as a nice and helpful partner.

Source: http://www.doghousebluesband.com/2012/07/22/teaching-your-pet-dog-how-to-take-action/

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Cosmo Romance Dreams | Dream Research & Education

Posted by Kelly Bulkeley on July 21, 2012 ? Leave a Comment??

A couple of years ago a reporter from Cosmopolitan?magazine sent me a list of dream types she had gathered from other women in her office. ?I can?t remember if an article ever appeared, but I thought the dreams were interesting as expressions of the concerns many women feel about their romantic relationships. ?Here is the intro I gave to the reporter, the dream types, and my comments.


Many of these dreams seem to have a distressing, negative tone, so let me say that in general I look at ?bad? dreams and nightmares as valuable opportunities for insight and growth.? Such dreams usually revolve around the most emotionally important and challenging issues of our lives.? They focus on our difficulties precisely in order to give us a deeper understanding of what?s going on and what we might do about it.


1) You?re back with an ex.
*Is there a different interpretation depending on whether the ex you dreamt about was a nice guy who you had a good relationship with vs. a bad guy who didn?t treat you well?
Dreaming about one?s past romantic partners never ends.? He may be gone from your waking life, but, for better or worse, he?ll linger in your dreams forever.? These kinds of dreams do NOT automatically mean you want to get back together with him.? Rather, they reflect the complex and long-lasting impact any serious relationship makes on your unconscious mind. The details of the dream are important: I would want to know, in what situations does your ex appear?? What kind of emotional energy does he bring into the dream scenario?? If he?s a ?good? ex, perhaps the dream suggests there?s still a way in which his presence is a helpful force in your waking life.? If he?s a ?bad? ex, maybe it reflects a sense of still being trapped in the relationship, or possibly threatened by something symbolized by his kind of personality.

2) Your partner betrays you in some way (like cheating, lying, or revealing something personal about you to everyone).
This is the price of a committed relationship: a vulnerability to betrayal.? No matter how strong a relationship may appear in waking life, both people inevitably suffer some degree of insecurity, both conscious and unconscious, about their partner?s being unfaithful.? This insecurity naturally comes out in dreams that vividly portray how badly you would feel if your partner violated your trust and fidelity.? It?s possible the dreams are clues to an actual problem in the relationship (again, the details matter), but usually such anxiety dreams are reminders of our exposure to extreme emotional pain whenever we form a romantic bond with someone else.
3) You blow it with your man (whether by having a one-night stand, saying something cruel to him, etc.).
Monogamy doesn?t come easily.? We all have within us complex and conflicting feelings about our romantic partners.? It?s important to acknowledge and accept those feelings when they arise in dreams, even if we don?t necessarily act on them.? That said, if someone were having these dreams frequently, I?d certainly wonder about the quality of their waking relationship.
4) You?re engaged, and there?s something off about your ring?the stone is missing or so small you can?t see it, it?s ugly, etc.

An engagement ring is an ancient emblem of love and commitment, a very public announcement of two people?s plans for a future life together.? This makes it an excellent dream symbol for a person?s feelings about the impending marriage.? Because the focus in these dreams is usually on the appearance of the ring, I?d want to ask if there?s a concern about the appearance vs. the substance of the relationship.

5) Something weird happens during your wedding (like you can?t see the groom?s face).

A wedding is one of the most momentous rituals of human society, a true rite of passage that forever binds two people?s lives into one.? The awesome magnitude of this life change is often reflected in distressing dreams of wedding day disaster.? A Buddhist perspective might be helpful here: In that tradition?s view, a dream of wedding catastrophe could be a good dream because it shows your old way of life is dying and a new and better way of life is being born. ?The weirdness reflects the shifting of your reality from the past to the future.? In the case of the groom?s missing face, it might be that his appearance and personality are not the primary focus here; what?s ultimately important is the power of the vows you?re making with him.

Source: http://kellybulkeley.com/cosmo-romance-dreams/

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Carefully choose the repayment procedure for unemployed unsecured mortgage. Creditors possess the facility for both flexible and fixed monthly repayment. Nike Air Max Unsecured unemployed financial loan have amenities like stand-by facility or holiday period or an overdraft. An unemployed could make use of these providers when the economic problem sanctions otherwise. Unsecured unemployed mortgage creditors are really lenient towards bank loan repayment and would accept a late repayment with no charging penalty.

Discovering the proper unsecured unemployed financial loan is as essential as finding the bank loan lender. There are handful of lenders who will take the risk with unemployed inhabitants even though retaining in thoughts the advantage of unemployed. It?ll be an excellent concept to get free quote from various unsecured loan creditors and compare. This will not merely recite to you the price of unemployed unsecured financial loan but additionally expose whether you can find the money for the financial loan or not. Even so, unemployed unsecured loan creditors have ideas for unemployed with both small or no revenue.

For an unemployed actuel there is going to be no alternative but to apply for unsecured mortgage. Paying for rent together with other utilities takes it toll for the duration of unemployment. Many unemployed actuel plan Air Max 2012 to give up tenancies when they get a job. Nonetheless, becoming a house owner turns into unrealistic throughout unemployment. In case, unemployed have any prior dedication concerning any loan they?ve taken in the course of employment, unsecured unemployed will help them paying them.

Unsecured unemployed bank loan demands no safety whatsoever for its approval. The interest rates are minimal for unemployed individuals. Unsecured unemployed loans are an easy and manageable approach to create additional cash. Unsecured financial loan for unemployed can serve to spend for virtually any purpose. Personal debt consolidation, property advancement, education, buying automobile, holiday are handful of of the methods to make excellent use of unsecured unemployed mortgage. With personal debt consolidation an unemployed can consolidate unpaid debts into single loan at reduce interest rates. Repayment phrase could be 3-25 many years based on the mortgage amount.

Unemployed underestimate the benefit they can get from unsecured loan. Unemployment is tough however it does not need to be an economic disaster. Unemployed unsecured loan offer you you the gift of typical residing in spite of unemployment. Take pleasure in an occasional binge ? certainly you can even do that with unsecured unemployed financial loan, but this time strategy your budget a lot more carefully Nike Air Max and stick with it.

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Source: http://www.cleanrose.com/unsecured-unemployed-financial-loan-air-max-90-surviving-when-you-have-dropped-the-security-of-job/

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You Won't Be Frustrated With This Great Weight Loss Advice ...

Many people are uncomfortable discussing their weight, which makes it difficult to find recommendations about methods that work. If you want to lose weight, the best thing you can do right now is learn all you can about it. Always look around for helpful weight loss tips, especially like the information that is in the following article.

For beginners of weight loss plans, it?s important to take things slowly. Start by eliminating one of your unhealthy habits, and slowly eliminate more over time. Eliminating all temptations simultaneously can be hazardous.

Planning out your meals before you go grocery shopping can save you money and help you to eat healthier. When your meals are already prepared beforehand, it?s easier to prepare your meals.

Write a grocery list before shopping. Include healthy items and those needed for planned meals, then only purchase those things that are on the list. Additionally, it?s a good idea to limit the amount of time you spend grocery shopping. This will keep you focused on what you need, making it less likely you?ll wander off into the processed food aisles.

If you have a strong desire to lose weight, getting enough sleep is a big help. Scientists say that people who don?t get enough sleep are usually hungrier and more likely to overeat. The overeating will have a dramatic impact on their weight.

Don?t be ashamed if you have half a plate of food leftover when you are on a weight loss plan. Many people have it ingrained in them that they must clean their plate. Taking what you do not eat home with you is a great idea to enjoy your meal again the next day. Just because it?s on your plate doesn?t mean you have to eat it. Always know what you are eating and once you feel full then it is time to stop.

When attempting to lose weight, it?s a good idea to vary your diet. Repetition will lead to boredom easily when you are constantly consuming the same things day after day. Be sure to balance your diet, and remember you can still eat a lot of the foods you love, just not all at one time.

Fill up on low calorie foods that are high in fiber so they fill you up. If you eat a soup or salad prior to a meal, you will not eat as much of the higher calorie foods served during the main meal, yet you will feel satisfied. Drinking low calorie beverages, like coffee, tea or sparkling water, before sitting down to a big meal can also blunt hunger pangs and help you eat less.

You are most likely to be successful in losing weight when you understand what is best for your body and for you. If you?re a morning person, set your alarm earlier and do your workouts in the morning. If you are a night owl, do your workout during the evening hours. Time your workouts for hours that work with your natural daily rhythms.

When you begin your weight loss adventure, it is essential that you not only seek out weight loss tips, but that you also actually use the advice contained within the tips in your daily life. After all, you will only start to lose weight if you actually implement some of the advice that you have learned. See how powerful the above advice can be by getting started today on your weight loss program.

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Source: http://weightlossclues.drbonomi.com/you-wont-be-frustrated-with-this-great-weight-loss-advice/

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Collective Efforts to Save the World | Pennapic Arts and Entertainment

There is an interesting video on TED recently to 17 July 2012 by Jeff Drummond wrote titled: ?Jamie Drummond: Let us host-source destination in the world?, which is a summary: ?In 2000 the UN set eight goals for a better world through the reduction of poverty and disease ? . lead to a period in 2015 as the deadline approaches, Jamie Drummond of ONE.org by the surprising success of the eight Millennium Development Goals, and the proposed restart of the public is for the next 15 years. ?

Collective Efforts to Save the World

Collective Efforts to Save the World

Of course, crowdsourcing a clever concept and strategic no-brainer for many things, but let us ensure that our goals are in the realm of reality, and not imaginary problems or misuse of these abundant resources with the strategy to solve we crowd source. If we human CO2 and heat the planet by reducing CO2 emissions at the expense of abundant and cheap energy is insisting, then everything we do harms the industry, economy and livelihood, see the point.

Well, if the positive side of all this will see it is a good book I would recommend for you: ?All the problems in the world,? by PJ O?Rourke, Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, NY published . 1994, 340 pages, ISBN: 0-87113-580-9.

You see, we all too often the hunt reduces the problem of tightened and then throw millions if not billions of dollars, but ultimately failed. In our running and running world of political correctness, groupthink and false empathy, we must do everything wrong to touch us ? and that Murphy?s law and the law of unintended consequences, and we found that all the real problems are to bind caused by us, and so if we can not see, reality, then we are not the right person to try to fix what you see? Please consider this and think about it.

No related posts.

Source: http://www.pennapic.com/2012/07/collective-efforts-to-save-the-world/

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Friday, July 20, 2012

KGETnews: WEATHER UPDATE: Moisture is starting to make it's way into California from what's left of Fabio. Expect... http://t.co/xU6QyZFV

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Source: http://twitter.com/KGETnews/statuses/225662009243484161

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Why Buy Human Growth Hormones Supplements? | articlereference ...

Do you know that ageing may also be caused by the diminished HGH or human growth hormones in the body? Human growth hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary and are responsible for growing taller, more energy and better performance; without this hormone, you can expect the ugly signs of aging like wrinkled and lifeless skin, reduced energy, weight gain, poor memory and many more.

HGH levels may be improved with the use of HGH supplements. These are in the form of tablet, capsules, oral sprays and oral liquid form; these will boost energy, improved immune system function and may also be able to increase sexual drive and performance. Here are more reasons why you should buy human growth hormones:

1. Why buy human growth hormones? HGH will improve your skin, hair and nails removing ten to twenty years off your appearance. You will have shinny and healthy hair, stronger nails, fairer, clearer, younger-looking skin and more. No skin care product will give you multiple results than HGH supplements.

2. You will have stronger bones and denser bone tissue when you use HGH supplements. Bone loss is common as a person grows older leading to increased possibility of fractures, injury and bone loss. You can fight these symptoms when you take HGH.

3. You will have better appetite, improved energy through better nutrient abruption and a healthy well being with HGH. There are even people who were able to reduce weight by curbing their appetite and increasing their metabolism through HGH.

4. You will have better memory and improved cognitive ability when you take HGH. Memory loss or poor memory is common in the elderly and this may be reduced when you take HGH supplements. You will have better memory, better cognitive ability and perception like what you enjoyed when you were younger.

5. You will notice better wound healing, better hair growth and improved skin elasticity after taking HGH. This hormone works in the cellular level improving the body?s ability to recuperate and rejuvenate. Aside from these, you will have less back aches, increased energy to exercise and do physical activities as you improve your HGH levels.

6. There will be better coping for women who are nearing menopause or in women who are suffering from menopause symptoms. Symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, irregular periods, pains and aches and many more menstrual or menopausal symptoms may be reduced when you take HGH regularly.

7. A person who suffers from reduced strength and muscle power may also benefit from human growth hormones. There will be improved strength, decreased body fat, increased muscle strength and the ability to perform prolonged exercise.

8. Why buy human growth hormones? Those who have used HGH supplements have noticed better performance in sex, longer duration of penile erections and better libido for men and women. Women also have experienced improved sex drive which is mostly low as she undergoes menopause. Men on the other hand may experience decreased libido as a result of health conditions making HGH supplements a safer choice for improving sex drive and performance.

http://www.genf20hghpills.com/ ? Why Buy Human Growth Hormones Supplements?

Source: http://articlereference.net/health-fitness/why-buy-human-growth-hormones-supplements.html

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